AWS EKS Security: Best Practices and Tips

AWS EKS Security: Best Practices and Tips What is AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) ? The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service on AWS. AWS EKS is a managed service that allows you to run Kubernetes clusters on AWS without having to install, operate, or maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling,

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Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

Mastering Governance at Scale: A Deep Dive into AWS Landing Zone Accelerator

Governance at Scale: Intro to AWS Landing Zone Accelerator Landing Zone Accelerator Architecture In my previous blogs, I have discussed AWS Landing Zone and its evolution. I also talked about the AWS Control Tower service, which streamlined the deployment and management of the AWS Landing Zone solution for multi-account AWS environments. I explained that by utilizing Control Tower Lifecycle events, you can extend the governance capabilities of AWS

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what is AWS MAP?

Accelerate you cloud migration with AWS MAP

Migration Acceleration Program (MAP): Accelerate customers cloud migration and modernization journey AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) Phases : Image source AWS Imagine you’re a CIO, CEO, or CTO of a sizable enterprise company tasked to craft Cloud Strategy for your organization. You’re fully convinced that steering the company toward cloud adoption is the optimal path for its expansion. However, there’s a significant hurdle: all applications

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Strengthening Security in AWS Control Tower through Centralized IAM Identity Center

Strengthening Security in AWS Control Tower through Centralized IAM Identity Center In this blog, we’ll take a closer look into the Identity and Access Management aspect of AWS Control Tower’s managed environment. By default, AWS Control Tower uses AWS IAM Identity Center to set up and control access to AWS accounts that are created through the Account Factory unless you specifically opt for self-management of

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Cloud Governance: Achieving Compliance and Security through Comprehensive Controls Management

Cloud Governance: Achieving Compliance and Security through Comprehensive Controls Management In my earlier blog on AWS Control Tower Security, I discussed implementing security measures in AWS Control Tower managed environment. One of the topics I covered was compliance validation. Building on that, in this blog I will deep dive into how AWS Control Tower provide compliance and governance at scale using Comprehensive Controls Management (CCM) On

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Strengthening Your Cloud Footprint: Security with AWS Control Tower

Enhancing Cloud Security: Best Practices for AWS Control Tower Cloud Security is job Zero at AWS, everyone needs to have a secure environment. AWS ensures that its customers benefit from a data center and network architecture that is designed to meet the security needs of even the most sensitive organizations. The responsibility for security in Control Tower is shared between AWS and its customers, as

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Exploring AWS Landing Zone: Unleashing the Power of Security and Governance

Exploring AWS Landing Zone: Unleashing the Power of Security and Governance This is a list of important AWS services used in the AWS Landing Zone, organized by when they were first introduced. Introduction In my previous blog, we discussed the advantages of AWS Control Tower, which includes the convenience of its one-click Landing Zone setup. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at AWS

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Querying data using Amazon S3 Select

Querying data using Amazon S3 Select Using Amazon S3 Select, you can filter the contents of an Amazon S3 object and retrieve a subset of data using SQL statements. S3 Select can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred from Amazon S3, lowering the cost and latency of data retrieval. Key Benefits Improved performance: S3 Select allows you to retrieve only the

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7 top things to know about Amazon S3

7 top things to know about Amazon S3 AWS S3 is a highly reliable and scalable cloud storage service that allows you to store any amount of data for as long as you want. S3 offers simple APIs for managing your content and a rich set of features to meet your different business needs, but it can require substantial time and effort to manage properly.

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AWS Solutions Architect Professional - SAP-C02

How to Pass AWS SA Professional (SAP-C02) certification?

How to Pass AWS SA Professional (SAP-C02) certification? I am very excited to announce that I passed (re-certified) the newer version of the AWS Solution Architect Professional (SAP-CO2) exam. The excitement stems from two things: First, it’s the most recent version of this certification. Second, I just passed this exam after only preparing for seven days! Preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional (SAP-C02)

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AWS SAM Pipelines

Building deployment pipelines on AWS Cloud has never been easy with SAM CLI AWS SAM Pipeline is a new capability in AWS SAM CLI. It makes it easier to auto-generate secure, continuous integration and deployment pipelines for your organization’s CI/CD system. AWS SAM Pipelines provides templates for popular CI/CD systems such as AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and GitLab CI/CD. Solution In this blog, I

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AWS Control Tower Immersion day

Sourced Group is an AWS Premium Consulting Partner. It enables its customers and internal teams to learn about AWS services and tools in various ways. One of the ways is to conduct an immersion day on a specific AWS subject. Last month I was fortunate to deliver Immersion Day for Sourced Group ANZ regional team on the AWS Control Tower topic. What is AWS Immersion

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Demystifying AWS Control Tower

What is AWS Control Tower? The AWS Control Tower is a self-service tool that allows you the easiest way to Setup and Govern a multi-account AWS environment based on best practices. Helpful to both administrators and developers, it establishes a landing zone that is based on best-practices blueprints, and it enables governance using guardrails you can choose from a pre-packaged list of policies. The Landing Zone is a well-architected, multi-account baseline

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The Key to secure your Data in cloud – AWS KMS

The Key to secure your data in Cloud – AWS KMS Cloud computing has allowed companies to reduce costs and boost operational efficiency, but it has also raised severe security implications leveraging public cloud platforms as part of their enterprise IT strategy. If you are a data custodian or an IT admin, encrypting data should be your first line of defense, and managing the encryption

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Deploying AWS Lambda Functions with SAM CLI.

Deploying Lambda Functions with SAM CLI Serverless applications are a relatively new paradigm in software development. Serverless architectures allow developers to create, access and deploy applications without managing servers or infrastructure.   What is the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)? AWS SAM is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. You can

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Amazon Connect – Omnichannel Cloud Contact Center

Programmatically spin up an Amazon Connect Instance with new APIs. What is Amazon Connect? Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud contact center. Omnichannel contact centers offer customers the same experience across all channels (phone, chat, email, text (SMS), and social media) providing customer service agents a more straightforward interface and richer data set. We can set up a contact center in a few steps, add

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AWS CloudWatch – Aggregate view of Multi-Account Cloudwatch metrics.

AWS CloudWatch – Aggregate view of Multi-Account Cloudwatch metrics (EC2 Instances). What are Cloudwatch Metrics? Cloudwatch metrics are data about the performance of our systems. By default, many services provide free metrics for resources (such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EBS volumes, and Amazon RDS DB instances). We can also enable detailed monitoring for some resources, such as our Amazon EC2 instances, or publish our

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AWS CodePipeline – How to build a continuous delivery pipeline on AWS?

AWS Code Pipeline – How to build a continuous delivery pipeline on AWS ? Why do we need CodePipeline? Code deployments are inherently risky, especially when deploying to production or staging environments. The longer the code sits in our environment before being deployed to production the higher the risk of downtime or security incidents due to human error during manual deployments. Codepipeline simplifies continuous delivery

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AWS SSM – How to Manage On Premise Windows 10 machine?

AWS SSM – How to Manage On-Premise Windows 10 machine? What is the AWS Systems Manager service? AWS Systems Manager is an AWS service that can be used to view and control AWS cloud and on-premise infrastructure. By installing and configuring AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) on an EC2 instance, an on-premise server, or a virtual machine we can update, manage and configure different

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Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

People know who they have the potential to be. The challenge is seeing that process through. Self-development is an art. It takes time. It requires patience. It asks you to step outside your comfort zone. It is challenging — and that’s the point. However, the biggest challenge when it comes to self-development is the process itself. People really struggle with the path and all its twists and turns,

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How to be 1% Better Every Day

“Compounding is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.” — Albert Einstein The quest to become a better version of yourself often feels like a roller coaster ride. It’s hard. And it’s usually so uneven. You can end in failure. But life is a journey, not a marathon, so you always have another opportunity to restart and improve. Many people practically look out for secrets,

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How To Become Ridiculously Self-Aware In 20 Minutes

Four years ago my sister got me something that would dramatically alter the direction of my life. In fact, it was probably the most influential gift I’ve ever received. It would help me find my true calling, become a writer at the Huffington Post, and go on a 5-month road trip across America by myself. You know what it was? One of these… A journal.

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What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

There’s a paradox with self-improvement and it is this: the ultimate goal of all self-improvement is to reach the point where you no longer feel the need to improve yourself. Think about it: The whole goal of improving your productivity is to reach the point where you never have to think about how to be more productive. The whole point of pursuing happiness is to reach the point where

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Self-love is the basis for self-improvement

There’s a quandary I hear people talk about a lot in the self-improvement world which goes something like this: “Should I keep trying to change, or should I just learn to love myself?” The people posing this question almost invariably feel terrible about themselves, and further, they assume that’s par for the course. It isn’t. In fact this whole “self-love vs self-improvement” thing is a

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How to Supercharge Your Learning and Self-Improvement

One of my favorite pieces of ancient wisdom comes from the Stoic philosopher Epictetus: We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Sure, that may not be the real reason we have two ears and one mouth, but it reveals a useful pattern that we see repeated in communication in general. Communication essentially has two parts: transmission and

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